Ghost Points Art Quilts > Ghost Minister
Ghost Minister (gui chen), Large Intestine 11, 3x27”, hand-dyed fabric, computer images on fabric, embellished with caran d’ache crayons. Twelfth of the 13 Ghost Points, Ghost Minister is also a Uniting (earth) point, like water pouring into a pool. It is needled for paralysis of the upper limbs as well as various febrile diseases of Evil Wind invasion, and is located at the crook of the elbow. Images of Wovoka, the messianic Paiute leader of the Ghost Dance in the 1880’s, are woven into the fabric. He received a series of visions preaching brotherhood and unity during a total eclipse of the sun in 1889. The Ghost Dance was a traditional dance that united all Indians, whether living or dead, and promised a return to former harmonious days before the arrival of white civilization. For the Sioux. it ended in the massacre at Wounded Knee (December 29, 1890).